Sunday, October 25, 2009

3D: Jeffrey K. Bedrick

In a recent exploration into 2D, and 3D images, I discovered an artist by the name of Jeffrey K. Bedrick. Jeffrey is a contemporary artist who works specifically with 3D art forms. His designs and images are representative of that of a mystical world, as well as Representative images of nature, and realistic places. In studying his work, not only did I notice his intricate amount of detail, but also his use of color, form, and shape, represent images that are extremely realistic. When an observer is studying his work, it is almost as if you are in his paintings, acting as one of his mystical characters. His work with his 3D images is amazing. They almost look as it they are computer generated 3D Images. The unity in his paintings really helps give a clear understanding up his work, and his creative process. One particular painting entitled "The Last Resort," is an image of a picturesque paradise, complete with a rainbow, beautiful flowers in the foreground, and a striking temple in the background, which also acts as one main focal point. Along with many other elements that work to unify the entire picture, like light, and shadows, the design of the 3D image creates a story with in itself. The scale in the painting is accurate of a 3D image. There is depth, height, and width within the image, with also helps to unify the image and provide structure. The balance of color in contrast to the white and dark, is very striking as well. Bedrick is clearly a talented designer, and artist, and used 3-demensional images to convey a story and ideawhich is very present in his work. I urge every to take a look at his work, and really allow yourself to be apart of the picture, and his work.

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